How to have a healthy social media experience

Written by DeathWish on
How to have a healthy social media experience

In the age of quarantining and so much time on our hands social media is something that makes us feel connected to each other. However, have you often found yourself mindlessly scrolling through post after post and feeling drained afterwards? Here are a few tips to help you have a healthy relationship with social media.

1. Turn off notifications

Turning off “push” notifications is the first step to digital minimalism. If you find yourself indulging in scrolling every time you get a notification, maybe you can try slowing it down a little by turning them off during work or nights.

2. Be Mindful of time spent on social media

You don’t have to quit spending time online altogether. Try setting some time aside to engage online and set a timer reminding you to go off. This way you’re not going to just pick up you phone and start scrolling aimlessly.

3. Purge the content you consume

Set some time and go through your following/friends list and your feed. Think about how these posts make you feel - if anything makes you feel negative, irritated or uninspired, click that unfollow button!

4. Get inspired, not jealous

Social media has a tendency to sometimes make us feel inadequate. Be non-judgmental when you see someone being happy. Instead of seeing it as “who is doing better than you” use is as “what makes you feel that inspired or that happy”. Seek inspiration from the content you see. And lastly always remember, it’s only a picture/30 second video, not a person’s whole story. Do not compare your behind the scenes with someone else’s highlight reel.

5. Remove your phone from your morning/evening routine

Most of us have the tendency to check our phones first thing in the morning. Instead, try reading a book, drink your coffee near a airy window or talk to your mom! The same goes for the hours scrolling before bed. Try to add feel good habits an hour after waking up and an hour before going to bed. This will do wonders for your mental health in the long term!

6. Remember that likes/follows don’t define your worth

If you’re a creator, make content for your cause and make it because you have fun doing it, but never doubt yourself based on the number of likes or followers you have. Your worth isn’t defined by numbers.



Founder/owner WomenWhoCare. Software Engineer.